I should have stayed away!!! Last year my gf and I took a "break". She left...

me and moved out on valentine's day. Yeah, what a b****. She claim she needed to be by herself for a while to work on her flaws. Soon, very soon after moving she meets this d********* of a guy from KY off of Plenty of fish. She was literally spend all her time with him. Driving all the way to KY from Nashville, TN to see and pick him. Letting him spend the night with her, spending her money on him. I was a totally wreck. Cried everyday and night. I didn't eat for 2 weeks, lost 20lbs, I was no good to anyone at the time. I did things I wasn't proud of but she drove me and do them. Just stalkerish type crap, trying to check and see what she was doing. At the same time she was talking to me, trying to remain friends. I was wanting her to come back desperately. I was dreading the fact of her f****** him, which she sweared she wasn't. After 2 months of agonizing pain and h***, she came back. She eventually told me she f***** him and I was really upset. We moved passed all the bullshit and lies and tried to keep our relationship positive. We had a kid. 2 months old now. And our relationship sucks. She has given me till the end of summer before she calls it quits. Its not me who has the problem, its her. She's never satisfied with leaving well enough alone. If bicker and argue about stupid things and I try to leave it in the past. But she wants to bring it all back up before the end of a day or the next day. WHY? It will just lead to more arguing. I cook, I clean, do laundry, etc. She does none of that. We both have full time jobs. Baby duties are split equally. But she still has a problem. Yeah, its been like this before pregnancy so don't comment with post-partum. She may a hint of depression but refuses to do anything about it. Doesn't want to admit she may be depressed or have to take drugs. Its causing our relationship to sink. Don't get me wrong, I have my days where she absolutely drives me up the wall, p***** me off, gets on my last nerve. Some of the arguements are my fault. I'm not perfect but no one is. You have to go through the bad to get to the good, right. I love her to death and wanted this to be the rest of my life. Now 5 years will have possibly been a waste. I hate the idea of bringing a child into this world with someone who I possibley won't be with anymore. I just hate it. I should have stayed away from her when she left the first time. Now things will suck even more. FML.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜² OMG NO!
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