this is something i really need to get off my chest... i cheated on my current...

bf twice. the one time i was making out with my best friend in the school's lavatory. it all started weird, but harmlessly: he wanted me to rate the progress he made with his workout. but as he stood there, half naked and being figured, he suddenly kissed me, and well... i'd been in love with him for a really really looong time and the whole situation was just so emotional, everything i had dreamed of for so long suddenly became reality. i even think i still love him, more like i'm addicted to him, so please forgive me that one. i was being so weak, i can see now it was a mistake. i stayed with my bf and i love him; i'm trying really hard to finally let go of my best friend. the second time was on a party, again making out, this time with some random guy that fancied me. i was drunk, i just had had a fight with my bf, i needed acknowledgement. i regret it, really. i broke this guys heart (as some of his friends told me) and i again cheated on the person i love most. as you can see i am a weak, insecure person. you have to decide if this is forgiveable or not. love survivor

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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