I babysit for a neighborhood man who's wife died a few years ago and left...

him with two small children. I babysit on Friday and Saturday nights since last year when I was 13. The kids were 5 and 3 years old when I started. I found a drawer where he kept money and started to steal some everytime I was there. Four months ago he confronted me and showed me a video of me taking $10. out of the drawer. I started to cry right away, told him I was sorry and begged him not to tell my mom. The kids were already in bed and he said either he would punish me or he could have me arrested or tell my mother. I was ashamed and couldn't stop crying. He said he would punish me like he punishes his daughters. He said he was going to spank me or I could call my mom and tell her what I had been doing. I was in shock when he said that but knew he was serious. I didn't know what to do and was still sobbing when I agreed to let him. He told me to think about it because he was going to spank me every Friday night because he said I had stolen more than 350 dollars over time. He said he would still let me babysit and even pay me but he was going to spank me or let the police and my mom take care of it. He made me lay over his lap but started to pull down my pants. I jumped up right away and he just sat there. I din't want him to pull down my pants and told him so. He handed me the phone and told me to call my mom and tell her and then he would call the police and show them the video. I was so scared and embarrassed I finally agreed to let him. He sat back down in the chair and told me he spanks his daughters naked and for me to undress myself. I was so nervous and afraid I actually thought about calling my mom even knowing I would be grounded forever. I don't know how I did it that first time. I was so fearful and humiliated as I undressed in front of him. When I was finally naked he made me lay over his lap and spnked me very hard with his hand. He only hit me 6 or 8 times but it really hurt and I was so embarrassed I cried the whole time. Then he made me stand with my nose to the wall for 15 minutes before I could put my clothes back on. This happens every Friday nigh since then. I am still embarrased all the time and even more when he pushes my legs apart and makes me lay over the back of the sofa when he spanks me. I try to keep my eyes closed most of the time and know he is looking at my breasts and vagina all the time. I try not to but cry most of the time even before he spanks me. Sometimes I can tell he has an erection especially when I am over his lap. He never does anything sexual to me but I am so humiliated by it I don't knowwhat to do. Every time him still makes me stand naked with my nose on the wall for exactly 15 minutes. Then he just sits and watches me when I get dressed and even snaps my bra for me. The rest of the time he is actully good to me and treats me like nothing happened until the next Friday. I know I'm being abused and keep asking him how much longer I have to be spanked but all he says is 350 swats on my bottom/ When he spanks me he never smacks me more than 7 or 8 times but they are hard and do hurt and leave my butt red. I know he is doing this to see me naked and to embarrass me and I don't know how to stop it. Last week he promised to srop soon and that he keeps count on the number of spanks he gives me. I did see him spank his 6 year old daughter last month, and he did spank her naked like he said. He even mad her stand naked with her nose to the wall like he does with me. I'm not sure if he did that in front of me to prove what he said but he didn't pay as much attention to her as he does to me. I just hope it stops soon because its to late to change my mind about it.

By Anonymous on General,

😍 Lovely! 🐶 Woof!
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