i went to the shops with my friend once and he stole a choclate bar,...

it just grew from there, me and my friend have a code word for stealing we say stuff like, hey lets go fart in traget, or i real wnt to fart on that keychain, people around as think we are werid but at keast they dont know our secert, oh the top on my head i can think of a benie 2 neck laces 10 earings multabile keychain a soft toy a purse socks a little miss happy figurine playdough rings LOTS OF FOOD, when i go to the shops with my friend we usally dont spend a cent we even steal our lunch from a super market, i cant go to shops without be scared that the alarms are going to go of when i walk out of a store even when i havent taken anything!!!, i was only caught once and that was when i stole a $5 pair of sunnies i could of brought them but i didnt... i didnt get in troble i was just warned, luckly only my friend was there, my room is full of this stuff, i have even stolen from my friends houses, from small change to pencil sharpners nothing nig from them, (i have even stolen from my friend who i steal with) i dont need this stuff, i have enough money to buy it myslef but i dont, i am trying to stop but im addicted, its like trying to stop masturabteing ou just cant should i be forgiven?

By Anonymous on General,

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